Our Mission

Innovate Durban will nurture, coordinate and facilitate an inclusive innovation ecosystem through utilising the fourth industrial revolution for economic growth and job creation, with a focus on industry, spatially excluded or marginalised persons, the public sector and SMMEs.

Our Vision

We envision being a leading innovation agency that transforms the region into a dynamic and inclusive ecosystem.

Our Objectives

Our mission expands into the following objectives:


Create momentum for, and drive projects and programs in the city that innovatively tackle social, system and structure issues that hinder growth and perpetuate poverty.


Collaborate with, and connect, stakeholders from all spheres, to work together to 'disrupt’ thinking, and practice and create new opportunities for active participation by all in growth and renewal.


Connect those in need with real opportunity, by providing practical tools, training, access to resources and support for self-improvement, business start ups and community-building and upliftment.


Celebrate the city of Durban, promote all that it has done, and will do, for its citizens, to attract, retain and support the business and investors needed to underpin growth and development.

The Directors

Our Team

Our Services

Innovate Durban offers a number of services and customised programmes which include;

Virtual Office Space
Co-working space / hot desks
Use of specialised machines (3D printers, laser and vinyl cutters)
Design thinking Workshops and Sprints
Customised innovation programme

We're Hiring

We are a young company with a bunch of people who are passionate about innovation and highly motivated to implement programmes that support innovators in Durban. We are driven by a continuous need to deliver high-quality work and work that adds immense value and impacts the lives of others. Collaboration within our company and with others is a critical part of how we work. It’s a fast-paced, forward-looking and highly rewarding job!